23rd September 2024

Search Crich Parish Council

Serving the people of Crich Parish

Cllr Valerie Broom

Cllr Valerie Broom


Representing Crich.

Valerie has lived in Crich since 1987. Her mother was from Fritchley & Valerie has happy memories of attending Sunday School at the Congregational Church in Fritchley in the 1950's.

Until her retirement she worked as a senior Trade Union Official with UNISON.

Valerie has been a Parish Councillor since 2011 & chairs the Council's Finance Committee.

Valerie is particularly interested in housing, health & countryside issues.

She is a member of Crich Heritage Partnership and Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site on behalf of Derbyshire ALC.

Valerie is an active volunteer in a number of organisations; she is a Trustee of Rural Action Derbyshire and a Director of Derbyshire ALC. She has previously been a school governor in a local secondary school, Public Governor with Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Public Governor with Derbyshire Community Healthcare Trust.

Orchard House
183 The Common
01773 856461

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Last updated: Wed, 02 Aug 2023 13:57