23rd September 2024

Search Crich Parish Council

Serving the people of Crich Parish

Crich Recreation Ground Trustee Group

On 6th February 1964 the Miners' Welfare Recreation Ground was registered with the Charity Commission and changed its name to 'Crich Recreation Ground'.

Crich Parish Council is the sole Trustee of Crich Recreation Ground. This is a completely separate role from any other Parish Council duty, and entails specific rules, regulations and associated responsibilities. The Parish Council has established an independent Trustee Group to fulfil this role. All Parish Councillors are members of the Trustee Group. The current Chair is Councillor Chris Collison and the Vice Chair is Councillor Valerie Broom.

The Trustee Group's purpose is to ensure the Crich Recreation Ground shall be forever used as a recreation ground for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Crich. The Trustee Group has overall responsibility for guidance and instruction of the Parish Council, in the management and affairs of Crich Recreation Ground, in accordance with legislative requirements, regulations and guidelines. The Trustee Group has delegated to the Parish Council day-to-day management decisions including dealing with requests to hold events, and carrying out inspections and maintenance work.

The Trustee Group can be contacted through the Parish Council Clerk who is also Clerk to the Trustee Group.

Last updated: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 10:52