23rd September 2024

Search Crich Parish Council

Serving the people of Crich Parish

Displaying 1 to 15 of 15

Temporary Footpath Closure - No. 51

Beacon Lighting D-Day 80 6th June 2024

Fritchley Community Litter Pick Event

Crich Glebe Field Trust & Centre

The hub of the community for health, wellbeing and entertainment activity

Putting our plans for a healthier and greener future into action, presented at our Annual General Meetings

Wednesday 23 November 2022 7.00pm at the Glebe

Join us as we work to bring our new strategy...

Wellness Hubbub - Crich Glebe Field Centre 17th November 2022

Queen's Jubilee Beacon Lighting - 2nd June 2022

Annual Grants application form 2020-2021

Annual grant criteria - 2020-2021

Proposed development of green fields east of Bowmer Lane, Fritchley

Rural Charity to provide Hardship Support Fund

Councillor Vacancy - March 2020

Planning Application Response - Land at Woodside Farm, Crich - 7th October 2019

Councillor criteria and how to apply - July 2019

Councillor Vacancies May 2019