23rd September 2024

Search Crich Parish Council

Serving the people of Crich Parish

Memorial Stability Testing 23rd & 24th September 2024

Memorial Stability Testing

Crich Parish Council is about to start a programme of memorial stability testing in the Crich Burial Ground. This is located to the rear of St Mary's Churchyard, accessed via the lane off Cromford Road, opposite Dowie Way.

The programme will ensure compliance with relevant legislation; LACO 1977 and Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and will follow guidance provided by the Ministry of Justice and the ICCM.

The testing programme will take place on the 23rd & 24th September 2024.

Any headstone that fails will be risk assessed to determine the best way of making it safe. Unsafe memorials near to high risk areas such as pathways will be cordoned off and if in danger of imminent collapse, may in the worst case be laid down pending repairs.

Warning signs will be displayed advising cemetery users.

For any information about the testing procedures, please contact the Clerk Samantha Teece via email clerk@crich-pc.gov.uk or CDS Group on 01525 864387 who will be carrying out the work on our behalf. A testing demonstration can be arranged if required.

Samantha Teece

Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer – Crich Parish Council

Posted: Tue, 20 Aug 2024

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