23rd September 2024

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Serving the people of Crich Parish

Zero Irrigation Planters - Fritchley

Zero Irrigation Planters - Fritchley

The UK's flying insect population has declined by as much as 60% in the last 20 years. Insects and pollinators are fundamental to the health of our environment and rural economies.

In the next few decades, as many as 40% of the world's species could become extinct, including bees, ants and butterflies.

These insects represent some of the most significant pollinators of plants. While plants are pollinated in many different ways, insect-pollinated crop plants such as apples, pears & cucumbers, will become significantly less productive without pollinators, and could fail altogether. The impact of insect loss goes far beyond our food supplies, however, as animals such as birds which depend on them for food will also be hit.

With this in mind Crich Parish Council have begun to make small changes to try an increase insect habitats. We have installed a bee post on Crich Recreation Ground and 2 zero irrigation planters on Fritchley Green.

These sand planters create a habitat for ground-nesting species of solitary Hymenoptera (bees & wasps) as well as many other invertebrates associated with this ecological community. They are planted with a pollinator-focused planting scheme for both nectar provision and larvae food plants. The planters are open at the top and bottom allowing movement of moisture between the planter and the ground which is key for achieving drought-resilient planting. The mount of sand in the planters is ideal for ground nesting/solitary bees etc, and is mounded to create different topography. The plants are UK native perennials which have been grown on in sand, they may currently look a little weary due to the shock of being moved but they will soon bounce back.

Posted: Wed, 7 Aug 2024

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