23rd September 2024

Search Crich Parish Council

Serving the people of Crich Parish

Parish Allotments

The Parish Council administers the management and letting of allotments in Whatstandwell for use by the residents of Crich Parish.

The Parish Allotments are located off Hindersitch Lane, Whatstandwell and consist of a mix of full and half sized plots.

The allotments are leased on an annual basis, with agreements being renewed 1st March each year. Full sized plots are £30 pa, and half sized plots £15 pa.

Allotments are in high demand and for the last four years every plot has been leased. Many people value the opportunity for outdoor exercise and healthy economical eating, as well as the good camaraderie amongst allotment holders.

The Parish Council operate a waiting list system for the allotments, which are allocated in strict order of position on the list. If you would like to join the waiting list please complete the form below.

Whilst the wait for an allotment can be long, the benefits outweigh the wait!

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Allotment enquiry form

Last updated: Mon, 08 Mar 2021 19:00